Blodgett Forest Fuels Treatment Workshop
Georgetown, CA
June 23rd, 2022, 10:00am - 3:00pm
Attendees learned how different forest management alternatives in mixed conifer forests affect fuel characteristics and wildfire risk during this dynamic field workshop at Berkley Forest's Blodgett Forest Research Station. This walking treatment and research tour explored various treatment alternatives and their effectiveness while identifying the impacts of treatment timing and maintenance. Implementation challenges and opportunities were discussed, notably those involving permitting and funding pathways.
Time | item |
10:00am | Training begins |
Presenter introductions, orientation & safety brief | |
Walking tour begins | |
Lunch | |
Walking tour resumes | |
3:00pm | Workshop complete |
Robert York, Cooperative Extension Specialist / Research Station Advisor at Berkeley Forests / and Adjunct Associate Professor of Forestry at UC Berkeley
Rob York joined UCANR in early 2019 as Silviculture and Applied Forest Ecology Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension and Adjunct Associate Professor of Forestry in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at UC Berkeley. Prior to his role with UCANR, Rob worked as the Research Forest Manager for Berkeley Forests for many years. He still plays an important role as the research forest advisor for Berkeley Forests, advising on research and management activity on Berkeley Forests’ network of five research forests. He is a Registered Professional Forester in California. From UC Berkeley, Dr. York earned a Ph.D. in Forest Ecology and Silviculture, a MS in Forest Community Ecology and a BS in Forest Management.
Ariel Roughton, Research Station Manager at Berkeley Forests
Ariel Roughton is the research Forest Manager at Berkeley Forests, responsible for overseeing management and research activity across Berkeley Forests’ five research forest locations. In her position as Research Forest manager, Ariel oversees management and research efforts across thousands of acres of forest covering the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada from Shasta to Tulare counties. She is responsible for creating Timber Harvest Plans, leads prescribed burn operations, determines compartment treatments, and manages ongoing inventory (among many other things). Prior to her role as Research Forest Manager, Ariel acted as assistant forest manager and intern forester. She is also a Registered Professional Forester (RPF). Ariel graduated from UC Berkeley with a BS in Forestry.
Rachelle Hedges, Project and Policy Analyst at Berkeley Forests
Rachelle Hedges joined Berkeley Forests in 2018, where she oversees communications and outreach efforts, grant development and management, and assists with research, policy initiatives and management of Russell Research Station. Rachelle previously worked for the Alameda County Resource Conservation District as the Communications and Outreach Specialist. She has worked in natural resource management for a decade, holding positions at local, state and federal agencies. Rachelle is the Chair-Elect of the California Society of American Foresters and sits on the Steering Committee of the Forestry and Natural Resources Mentorship Program. Rachelle has a B.A. in Business Administration from Loyola Marymount University, AAS in Forest Resources Technology from Central Oregon Community College, and a Master of Forestry degree from UC Berkeley.