Ranch Operations
Swanton Pacific Ranch is a working ranch with three distinct operations: FSC certified selective forestry, natural grass-fed beef, and certified organic crops. All ranch operations are carried out by dedicated resident staff, student interns, and university professors.
Each ranch operation provides opportunity for hands-on student learning, research and professional experience. More in depth reviews of these operations are discussed on the navigational links.
Forestry activities are designed to maintain stringent water quality, biological diversity, natural systems sustainability while producing a marketable, renewable resource.
Rangelands support two cattle operations: a resident cow-calf herd supports the natural grass-fed beef program and stocker cattle provide seasonal student learning. Livestock are a tool used to managed and maintain rangeland water quality, soil quality and diversity of perennial grasses.
Organic crops include our CCOF "U-Pick" apple orchards, pumpkins, Christmas trees, oat hay, and lands leased to Jacob's Farm del Cabo for production and educational purposes.