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CalVTP in Practice: Navigating the CalVTP Consultation Process with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Thursday, April 11th, 9:00 – 11:00am

Participants increased their knowledge of how California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) engages with CalVTP PEIR/PSA projects.  

CDFW began with an overview of their role with respect to environmental protection, CEQA, and the CalVTP. CDFW focused on their process for CalVTP project consultation, including the “who”, “what”, “when”, “how”, and “why” of consultation with the Department. CDFW’s goal was to share lessons learned from the past four years of CalVTP implementation to improve communication and collaboration with project proponents and lead agencies. 

Website links discussed in webinar

Presentation slides

Webinar Agenda
Time Item
9:00am Webinar begins
  Jeanette Griffin: CDFW's Mission and Authority
  Jeanette Griffin: CDFW's Role in CEQA and CalVTP Review
  Jeanette Griffin: CalVTP Overview
  Jeanette Griffin: Process for CDFW Consultation: the “when” of consultation
  Lauren Miele: Part 1: Process for CDFW Consultation: the “what”, “how”, and “who” of consultation
9:50am Break
  Lauren Miele: Part 2: Process for CDFW Consultation: the “what”, “how”, and “who” of consultation 
  Jeanette Griffin: Process for CDFW Consultation: the “why” of consultation
  Jeanette Griffin: CDFW Consultation: After PSA approval

Webinar ends


Jeanette Griffin, Fire Resiliency Coordinator, Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist), California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Jeanette Griffin has worked as the Fire Resiliency Coordinator for all non-CDFW-owned lands since the program’s launch in 2020. Over the past four years she has coordinated CDFW’s response to catastrophic wildfires and the department’s participation in the state’s efforts to increase the pace and scale of fuels treatments and fuels management throughout the state in both forested and non-forested habitats.

Jeanette’s 25-year career includes working as a wildlife biologist, agricultural biologist, field biologist, and botanist for private timber companies, consultation firms, non-profit organizations, county, state, and federal agencies. With her degree in Conservation Biology/Applied Vertebrate Ecology from Cal Poly Humboldt she’s been fortunate to work in a wide variety of habitats throughout California and central Oregon. As CDFW’s Fire Resiliency Coordinator Jeanette’s goals are to increase the efficiency of CDFW’s environmental consultation and review of fuels treatment and management projects statewide, and to improve CDFW’s visibility and participation in the evolving fuels management and post-wildfire recovery landscape. 

Lauren Miele, Environmental Scientist, California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Lauren Miele is an Environmental Scientist for the fire resiliency component of CDFW’s Timberland Conservation and Fire Resiliency Program. This program helps to conserve fish, wildlife, and plant resources in all fire prone landscapes, including forests, by working with other agencies on wildfire management efforts. Lauren maintains a state-wide perspective for the program to foster consistency, communication, policy direction, and technical information exchange among the regions and other CDFW programs. In this role, she has developed internal training and resources to aid regional staff in reviewing Draft PSAs and other documentation associated with the CalVTP. Lauren is a graduate from Chico State University and has worked for the state in the environmental field for over seven years. During this time, she has also gained experience in long term monitoring, and development, implementation, and monitoring of fish passage and restoration projects. 

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