Learning and Enrichment
A visit to the ranch will stimulate the curiosity of those searching for answers in natural resource management, agriculture production and education. Cal Poly's Swanton Pacific Ranch, offers educational opportunities year round.
Learning and training is structured through short courses and field trips, internships, demonstration sites, and community outreach. It is our intention for attendees to leave the ranch with a greater breadth of field-based skills, industry knowledge, and increased confidence in their abilities.
Swanton Pacific Ranch seeks to support the professional development and personal enrichment of Cal Poly students, faculty, staff, outside industry and agency professionals, and local community members. Field trips, short courses, and workshops are a great opportunity for students to become immersed in training activities which apply topics discussed during course work. Student involvement at the ranch often leads them to future projects and research interests that involved the ranch: senior projects, graduate theses, and collaborative research.
Each summer intensive short courses are offered onsite. The ranch is always looking to expand the number and variety of short courses offered. Currently three courses are consistently offered: Sustainable Forestry and Environmental Practices (NR 475); Vertebrate Field Zoology: Field Techniques in Wildlife Studies (BIO 329), and; Sustainable Livestock and Rangeland Management (ASCI 470).
Professional Instruction and Facilities
The ranch welcomes all departments with any relevant educational or research project. Housing can be arranged for extended stays. For a facilities or research request, please fill out the forms found here.