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To provide Cal Poly students, faculty, staff and the public with a unique interdisciplinary environment in which to foster the Learn by Doing philosophy by providing educational experiences on a working ranch, supporting diversified agriculture and forest resources while maintaining the integrity of ranch operations.

  —Our Mission

Home Protection and Forest Resiliency in Siskiyou County Field Workshop

Mount Shasta, CA

October 31st, 2024, 9:00am – 12:30pm  

This was an informative and interactive field workshop focused on enhancing home protection and forest resiliency in Siskiyou County. The workshop was held at Wherrit Forest, a Siskiyou Land Trust property. Representatives from key organizations, such as CAL FIRE, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the Prescribed Burn Association, Siskiyou Land Trust, and more provided overviews of their ongoing projects. These speakers gave insight to the resources and services available to landowners and community members for improving forest health and fire preparedness on their own property, including services such as defensible space creation, home assessments, and grant funding opportunities.

Participants had the opportunity to engage directly with the speakers in a Q&A discussion about what organizations can offer and identify specific resource needs. This workshop was ideal for landowners, community members, and anyone interested in learning more about forest management and wildfire resilience in the Mount Shasta region.

Workshop Agenda
Time Item
9:00am Field workshop begins 

Travel to Wherrit Forest


Property Introduction


Overview of Projects


Discussion of Resources Available 

  Question & Answer

Field workshop ends

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