Navigating the Proposal Process for Wildfire Fuels Treatment Using Prescribed Grazing
February 24th, 2023 9:00 - 11:45am
Link to California Rangeland Conservation Coalition Conference Recording
CAL FIRE and the State of California have continued to ramp up investments in resources for increasing fuel treatments to manage high fuel loads and reduce wildfire risk. Using livestock to treat fuels has significant potential for managing combustible vegetation. A variety of funding sources are available to support wildfire prevention projects and activities in and near fire threatened communities that focus on increasing the protection of people, structures, and communities. In this workshop, CAL FIRE, UC Extension advisors, and grazing managers offered general guidelines for developing applications for fuel reduction projects utilizing grazing through Request for Proposal (RFP) processes, and developing successful grazing agreements. Information required for major elements of the funding application process and important considerations that often require funding for wildfire fuel mitigation using prescribing grazing were discussed.
This workshop was held in person and virtually during the morning session of the Joint Range Conference “Rangeland and Fire”, a partnership of the Range Management Advisory Committee and the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition. For more information about the full-day event, and to see the complete agenda and speakers for both the free morning session and the afternoon program, click HERE.
These presentations were made available due to a partnership between the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection's Range Management Advisory Committee and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Time | Item |
9:00am | Webinar begins |
Kristina Wolf: Range Management Advisory Committee Overview | |
Marc Horney: Making your Case: Important Elements to Consider in Developing Proposals for Funding Grazing Treatments for Fuels Removal | |
Stephanie Larson: How to Implement Grazing into a Vegetation Management Plan. | |
10:05 | Break |
10:15 |
Marshall Turbeville: Grazing to reduce wildfire intensity, rate of spread, and resistance to control |
Ryan Nielsen & Clayton Koopmann: Grazier perspectives on developing and applying for grazing projects |
Marc Horney: Moderated Q&A | |
11:45am | Webinar ends |
Stephanie Larson, PhD, CRM, County Director and Livestock Range Management Advisor, UCCE Sonoma and Marin Counties
Marshall Turbeville, Battalion Chief, CALFIRE
Marc Horney, Professor, Rangeland Ecology & Management
Kristina Wolf, Environmental Scientist for the Board of Forestry & Fire Protection
Clayton Koopmann, Owner/Manager of Walking C Livestock
Ryan Nielsen, Land Manager