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Support Swanton Pacific Ranch

To provide Cal Poly students, faculty, staff and the public with a unique interdisciplinary environment in which to foster the Learn by Doing philosophy by providing educational experiences on a working ranch, supporting diversified agriculture and forest resources while maintaining the integrity of ranch operations.

  —Our Mission

Swanton Pacific Ranch: Cal Poly’s School Forest

Swanton Pacific Ranch, Davenport, CA

February 27th, 2025, 10:00am – 3:00pm

This field training was an opportunity for participants to increase their understanding of Swanton Pacific Ranch’s (SPR) past and future land management decisions applied to the school forest, their ability to be involved in opportunities at SPR, and their understanding of how to engage with collaborative natural resource management at SPR moving forward.

Mark Swisher, Director of Swanton Pacific Ranch, provided context to our sites, discuss the importance of our Seaview Community Firebreak, CZU Lightning Complex fire impact at SPR, and the historic prevalence of education in our school forest. Nadia Hamey, our longtime partners at Hamey Woods, provided technical knowledge on restoration treatment plans including past and current timber operations, ecological site descriptions related to prescription recommendations, and reforestation efforts. SPR also addressed recent understory treatment work which targeted invasive Ceanothus stands that have encroached on and outcompeted reforestation efforts. Amy Ormiston, Forestry Research Assistant at SPR, discussed Variable Canopy Retention study plots at SPR. This is a multi-year, student-centered research project that examines how variable canopy cover, paired with forest treatments, influence post-fire recovery in redwood forests. Over the past 2 years, Swanton has created post-fire forest health restoration polygons that were thinned at varying levels of canopy retention: 20,50, and 80 percent, and treated with three forest health treatments: lop and scatter, pile burn, and mastication. The workshop also addressed the importance of outdoor education, specifically at SPR, and explained how we might maximize our value as an educational resource to serve Cal Poly curriculum, faculty, and students.

Among key discussions from those outlined above, there was also an opportunity for group input, ideas for future opportunities, and identification of blind spots or areas that could be improved at Swanton Pacific Ranch.

This workshop was a great opportunity for students to experience industry conversation and exposure to real world problem solving.

Workshop Agenda
Time Item
10:00am Workshop begins 

Site 1


Mark Swisher: Seaview Regional Community Fire Break

  Nadia Hamey: Future strategies for continued reforestation and restoration 
  Recent understory treatments 
  Stakeholder Discussion: Do you see any blind spots or opportunities that we have not addressed? 
12:20pm Lunch
  Site 2
  Mark Swisher: Classroom of Conifers
  Nadia Hamey: Background on timber ops, post-fire forest salvage harvesting and restoration 
  Amy Ormiston: The effects of variable retention post fire on tree regeneration and ground cover
  California Reforestation Perspective 
  Importance of outdoor education
  Stakeholder Discussion: Do you see any blind spots or opportunities that we have not addressed? 

Workshop ends

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