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To provide Cal Poly students, faculty, staff and the public with a unique interdisciplinary environment in which to foster the Learn by Doing philosophy by providing educational experiences on a working ranch, supporting diversified agriculture and forest resources while maintaining the integrity of ranch operations.

  —Our Mission

Workshop Materials: Understanding the CalVTP

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 10:00am to 12:00pm


Click the following titles to download pdfs of the presentations.

The CalVTP is the way forward

- a presentation by Jonathan Fitch, Forester II, Prescribed Fire Coordinator, CAL FIRE

California is facing a growing forest and wildfire crisis. Decades of fire suppression, coupled with the increasing impacts of climate change, have amplified the threat of catastrophic fire to both wildland and human communities. Our ecosystems are now strained to the breaking point by unprecedented forest and wildland fuel accumulation; the growing presence of extreme fire behavior has alerted nearly every Californian to this threat. Addressing this component of the wildfire threat is possible through the use and implementation of vegetation management tools such as prescribed fire, mechanical and manual treatments, herbivory, and applied herbicides.  The newly developed CalVTP offers land managers a process or framework to prepare and implement these strategies appropriately.  With the proper scoping, planning, implementation, and monitoring, the CalVTP blazes a path to make progress in addressing the buildup of fuels on our State and private lands.

CalVTP Overview

How & where the CalVTP can be applied

- a presentation by Shannon Johnson, VMP Forester III, Vegetation Management Program Coordinator, CALFIRE

An overview of where and how the CalVTP can be applied within California. We will cover the 3 different Treatment Types, 5 different Treatment Activities, Ecoregions, Standard Project Requirements and mitigation measures within the CalVTP and how the all of these combined help develop the Project Specific Analysis for the final project. An overview of how the CalVTP relates to other CEQA environmental compliance methods will also be discussed along with views from other stakeholders who have used the CalVTP process. 


time AGENDa Item
10:00 Welcome! Webinar rules & announcements
  Instructor introductions

California Vegetation Treatment Program Overview - Shannon Johnson


The CalVTP is the way forward - Jon Fitch

  How and where the CalVTP can be applied - Shannon Johnson
12:00 Webinar end


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