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Develop your Personal Fire Qualification Plan for Prescribed Burning: Understanding NWCG Qualifications and the California Rx Fire Burn Boss Program

January 19th, 2022, 10:00am - 12:00pm

This training was an opportunity to learn more about the processes related to attaining National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Qualifications and the role those qualifications play in fire management. 

Expert Sam Commarto shared his experience with the NWCG Qualification System, explained how it works, and described how to navigate the system. He reviewed the policy framework, agency sponsorship, and gave tips for individuals trying to attain qualifications needed for prescribed burning.  

Topics covered in this webinar included the required qualifications for participating in prescribed burns, the California Prescribed Burn Boss Program (CARX), and the pathways to qualification seen through case studies.   

Webinar Agenda
Time Item
10:00am Webinar begins
  Sam Commarto: The NWCG Qualification Sytem and How it Works
  Sam Commarto: How to Navigate the System
10:55am Break
11:05am Small group exercises
  Q & A/Discussion
  Next steps 
12:30pm Webinar close


Sam Commarto, Private Consultant, Fire Practitioner, Natural Resource Planner and Facilitator 

Sam Commarto is a private consultant, fire practitioner, and facilitator with experience burning across various jurisdictions and ecosystems in California. He has navigated the challenges of managing his own qualifications and professional development as he transitioned from the US Forest Service to the non-profit and private sectors. He frequently collaborates with partners throughout the state and across the country to eliminate barriers and work towards putting more fire on the ground. He is a federally qualified Single Resource Boss and Resource Advisor and a qualified California Prescribed Fire Burn Boss.

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